I cheated this time. Neither of these photo below is mine. They were all taken from the web by googling. You can easily find it with the keyword Prita Mulyasari and Manohara Pinot. Both pictures are courtesy of them.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
There are two big issues here in Indonesia lately. One is related to internet activities. What annoy me is the story following the internet activity. The other one has nothing to do with internet. But it lately related to my internet activities, and annoy me in a different way.
Ada dua berita heboh di Indonesia baru-baru ini. Yang satu berhubungan langsung dengan aktivitas internet. Yang membuatku kesal adalah cerita yang mengikuti aktivitas internet itu. Satunya lagi sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan internet. Tapi itu tiba-tiba menyangkut aktivitas internetku, dan aku terganggu, meskipun bentuknya beda dengan yang pertama.

First, is something similar to what Diane told on her blog few days ago. Prita Mulyasari, a mother of two toddlers has been arrested, and accused of defamation about OMNI Hospital.
Pertama, mirip dengan kasus yang diceritakan Diane di blognya beberapa waktu lalu. Prita Mulyasari, ibu dari dua balita telah ditangkap, dan dituduh mencemarkan nama baik OMNI Hospital.
What she did was writing emails to her friends, complaining about how the hospital has done something she thought wasn’t right. She asked for explanation but the hospital did her ping pong.
Yang dia lakukan adalah menulis email ke teman-temannya, yang berisi keluhan atas tindakan rumah sakit yang dia rasa salah. Dia telah meminta penjelasan kepada pihak rumah sakit, tapi dia malah dibikin pingpong.
The mail has spread out and the hospital found it. Then they sue Prita, and Prita got arrested and put in jail on May 13th. Many people in Indonesia joined the cause ‘Free Prita Mulyasari’ on facebook and blogs, and do support in many ways. Alhamdulillah yesterday they let her out of jail and back to her babies, but she still need to attend the criminal case trial in court.
Email itu menyebar dan akhirnya sampai juga ke pihak rumah sakit. OMNI Hospital akhirnya menuntut Prita, dan dia dipenjara pada tanggal 13 Mei lalu. Masyarakat Indonesia menyatakan dukungan pembebasan Prita, dan bergabung di cause ‘bebaskan Prita’ di facebook dan blog. Alhamdulillah kemarin dia dikeluarkan dari penjara dan bertemu dua buah hatinya, tapi masih harus menghadapi persidangan atas dirinya.
I sure hope she will win the case, and OMNI Hospital pay for what they did to Prita.This really annoyed me. How could an email of complaining bring you to jail? Why Prita were accused telling a lie, while she was trying to find a truth? pray for her...
Aku berharap dia menang, dan pihak OMNI membayar atas apa yang telah dilakukannya terhadap Prita. Ini bener-bener ngeselin. Kok bisa email keluhan membawamu ke penjara? Kok Prita dituduh menyebar berita bohong, sedang dia justru berusaha mendapatkan kebenaran? Doakan dia ya...

Second, is about an Indonesian Model named Manohara Odelia Pinot, who got married with a Prince from Kelantan, Malaysia. Being his wife didn’t make Manohara a Princess. She has been abused. She lived in a secret room, like being put in a cage and so on and so on. She wasn’t allowed to receive calls from her mother and family.
Yang kedua adalah tentang model Indonesia Manohara Odelia Pinot, yang menikah dengan pangeran dari kerajaan Kelantan, Malaysia. Menjadi istri pangeran tidak menjadikannya putrid kerajaan. Dia mengalami kekerasan. Tinggal di kamar rahasia, seperti ditaruh di penjara, dan seterusnya dan seterusnya. Tidak boleh menerima teleon dari Ibu dan keluarganya.
One lucky day, when she and her husband were in Singapore, she did an escape and made it to meet her mother and went home to Indonesia. I don’t pay much attention to this case lately, but I heard Prince Fahry agree to let Manohara free.
Suatu hari yang beruntung waktu sedang berkunjung ke Singapura bersama keluarga istana, dia berhasil melarikan diri, bertemu ibunya, lalu pulang ke Indonesia. Aku tidak begitu mengikuti kelanjutan ceritanya, tapi kudengar Pangeran Fahry akhirnya ikhlas melepas Manohara.
And why does this annoy me? Because my name is Latree Manohara. Suddenly I received sooooooo many friend requests from men I never knew. And yes, all are men. I know this may sounds silly. But this really annoys me also, in other way.
Jadi apa hubungannya dangan aku? Karena namaku Latree Manohara. TIba-tiba aku menerima permintaan pertemanan bertubi-tubi dari banyaaaaaaak laki-laki yang tidak kukenal. Yup, semuanya laki-laki. Aku tahu mungkin ini kedengarannya konyol, tapi ini benar-benar menggangguku.
See, in Indonesia, there is no family name. Even if you get married, doesn’t mean you have to change your name to your husband’s. Yes people call me Mrs. Dan. But in every card I have, and for any purpose, I still use the name my parents gave me. And children have their own name, without family name either. I’m thinking about changing my name on Facebook with my husband’s name, but Dan said it is not necessary. All I need to do is just ignore all those friend requests I don’t want to accept. I guess he’s right.
Memang, di Indonesia tidak ada nama keluarga. Meskipun kau menikah, tidak berarti kau harus mengubah namamu menjadi nama suamimu. Iya sih, orang orang memanggilku Bu Dan. Tapi di semua kartu, dan untuk semua tujuan, aku tetap pakai nama yang diberikan orang tuaku. Juga anak-anak,, mereka punya nama mereka sendiri-sendiri, tanpa nama keluarga. Aku berniat mengganti namaku di Facebook dengan nama suamiku. Tapi kata Dan itu tidak perlu. Aku hanya tinggal cuekin aja semua request itu. Kupikir bener juga.
So, did you ever had experience, how internet annoy you?
Jadi, pernahkah inernet membuatmu kesal?
oh ya, internet memang bikin kesal pd beberapa kasus. salah satunya adalah internet bersifat adiktif, hehe :P
trus itu rumah sakit omni juga bikin sebel. kalo jadi bossnya, aku sudah pecat itu siapa yg bertanggung jawab urusan PR karena bikin blunder serius. bukan gitu caranya nangani keluhan dari pasien. arogan sekali. di blogku aku ngungkit sepotong cerita tentang teman yg pernah kecewa dg sepatu edward forrer. respon edward forrer beda 180 derajat deh!
♥ I'm so glad they let her free! I don't understand how they could arrest her for that either?
Also I'm glad the model lady got away as well! That would be a terrible way to live!
Some internet stuff annoys me as well! :)
You would think that e-mails you send to your friends shouldn't end you up in jail, unless you confess to killing. I can't believe that she was put in jail, but am glad to hear she is out.
As for the model, she is beautiful. What a terrible life she had to live with her husband. I am glad to hear she also is free.
Wow, some deep stuff! Makes me appreciate my life more. I had no idea there was no family name there. interesting. Internet drives me crazy some days!
That would be terrible to be either of those poor women. Glad that both have been set free. Very interesting how you don't have family names. I'm reading a book right now about settlers to the Dakota territories in the early days of the US and it has been enlightening as to how it was common in many countries to just be called Han's son (Hanson) or Han's daughter (Hansdatter). I think that is how a lot of last names came about that and by what your father did for a living.
I know it will sound strange to you about no family name. but there is a tribe here in Indonesia that has family names. it is Batak. Batak people have family names. I'm a Javanese, and Javanese don't use family names. some even only use one-word such as Soengkono, Susilo, Sunarti, Wiyono, Wartinem. most people who were born before 70es used 'su' to begin their names. that is because 'su' means good, or beautiful.
later, people use two words or more, but non of the names is last name. like mine, it is pure my name. my kids have three words names but all are their own names. so we have different last name in my family, because it is no family name.
well, every place is unique, don't you think?
melihat kedua kasus di atas semoga kita bisa mengambil hikmah terdalam di balik sebuah berita ya mbak.
People should be able to speak their opinion without suffering. In the US, we supposedly live in a "free" country, freedom of speech is guaranteed by our constitution, but people still find ways to sue for defamation of character, libel, or slander. In most cases, this should not be allowed. I hope this woman wins in court.
I think your husband has the right idea to just ignore the unwanted friend requests, but I also know that is annoying.
In fact, Prita free because of internet. Some similar cases don't involve internet at all, like a complaint in the newspaper. Whether she wrote it in her email, or anywhere else, they'll sue her anyway.
But because of the Facebook cause, bloggers posts, this case get a lot of attention. Thanks to internet.
Especially near to election, all become the good guys :D
@edo: yeah, that's what I meant. in my former post I thank internet, but this time I hate internet.
everything has positive and negative side, depends on how we react to it..
tapi tetep suka nama Manohara *aku tau nama itu sejak kenal kamu lho La* ;)
*komen ndak penting*
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