Ir's fish was dead
ikan cupang piaraan Ir mati
ikan cupang piaraan Ir mati

so to make him stop crying, I told him to put in the box, the crab he and Ar took from some ditch near our house
supaya dia berhenti menangis, aku suruh dia masukin kepiting yang sebelumnya dia dan Ar ambil dari parit deket rumah
supaya dia berhenti menangis, aku suruh dia masukin kepiting yang sebelumnya dia dan Ar ambil dari parit deket rumah

Dan thought it was too creepy, so he bought Ar Ir a pair of turtles
tapi kata Dan binatang itu terlalu nggilani, maka dia belikan Ar Ir sepasang kura-kura
tapi kata Dan binatang itu terlalu nggilani, maka dia belikan Ar Ir sepasang kura-kura

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Yeah, the crab is freaky. The turtles are much cuter, hopefully they don't have babies though! :)
♥ Cook turtle! We had one when we were young. :)
I like the turtles!
turtles have salmonella - beware
Those turtles are so cute!
The crab is kinda freaky,but totally a boy pet! We tried to keep a turtle once, but decided to let it go back to the river. Good luck
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