Monday, September 1, 2008

too much cheese....

kejunya kebanyakan...

I made this for day 2 sahur (earlier breakfast, that is done before adzan shubuh. adzan shubuh is the calling for shubuh prayer, indicate that dawn is coming as well). nanny has forgotten to cover the cheese well and it was a little bit drying. so I just put them all into the cooking, and it was too much... :D
bikin ini buat sahur hari kedua. si embak lupa nutup kejunya, jadi agak kering di bagian luarnya. akhirnya aku masukkin aja semua sekalian. tapi aww.... kayanya jadi kebanyakan... :D

but it's okay, the kids loved it anyway. beside, it only took 10 minutes cooking it!
ga papa lah, yang penting tetep pada doyan. cuma butuh 10 menit lho bikinnya!

slice some garlic (2) and onion (1). cut some meatballs (6). heat some margarine (1 spoon), then put in the garlic and onion until it smells good. followed by the meat ball -- mean while cut the cheese (as you like). put in some frozen vegetables (200 grams) -- continue cutting cheese. put ini cheese, some salt, and some sugar. stir stir stir... taaa... rrraaa.
iris bawang (2) dan bawang bombay (1), potong-potong bakso (6). panaskan mentega (1 sdm), masukkan bawang, bawang bombay -- sampai harum. masukkan bakso -- sambil potongin keju (suka selera). masukkan sayur beku (200 gr) -- sambil lanjutin potongin keju. masukkin keju, sedikit garam dan sedikit gula.
osreng-osreng-osreng... taaa rrraaaaa !!!!

ar and ir were so good. they woke up at 03.00 for sahur together with us. I had too feed them, because they ate with their eyes half closing. well, I was sleepy too actually.
I asked Dan, who has finished eating first to continue feeding while I was eating. but he just stare at the TV and the children fell asleep again... :P
ar ir pinter deh, mereka mau dibangunin jam 03.00 makan sahur. ya... meskipun makannya musti nyuapin, soalnya sambil ngantuk-ngantuk. padahal aku sendiri juga ngantuk.
si bapak lagi, udah selesai makan, dimintain tolong gantian nyuapin sementara aku makan, eh malah terpukau sama eko dan parto di tipi. anak-anak jadi merem lagi... :P

first day gone well. the children do half fasting. they still have lunch. but they learn not to eat or drink anything between eating times. it is just a learning process for them anyway, before they grow up and fasting is a must.
hari pertama kemaren terhitung sukses. anak puasa setengah hari sih, tapi alhamdulillah mereka bisa nahan diri untuk tidak makan atau minum di antara waktu-waktu makan. cuma ar sempet lupa sekitar jam delapanan, haus kali... maen sepedanya terlalu bersemangat... jangankan anak-anak, yang tua aja kalo hari pertama kadang lupa juga. (pengen deh lupa... ihihii)

hopefully we can get through this month well...
mudah-mudahan lancar puasanya...


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Sounds good. My husband thinks that there can never be too much cheese! :)

iway disini said...

tumisnya pake mentega apa margarin ayoooo? :D

Claremont First Ward said...

I fast the first Sunday of every month. It's hard every single time. I haven't made my kids yet though......

I didn't know you played the piano! I'm doing much better. Thank you!

Forgetfulone said...

So very interesting! Fasting is from dawn to dusk?

The Burp Cloth Babe said...

YUM!!!!! Looks good. Good luck with the fasting part, I am never very good at that!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Looks yummy and cheese makes nearly everything better! :) Fasting is hard for everyone, I think. We fast the first Sunday of the month. All the kids except the twins fast, but we never make it the full 24 hours... more like two meals!

WheresMyAngels said...

This is very interesting. I have had friends whom have to fast, but I have to admit, I wasn't sure what all it meant. Meaning, I didn't know if they ate at all or only certain things.