Friday, September 26, 2008

1 Syawal 1429H

which insha Allah will be at 1 October 2008

is coming.
segera tiba.

the day we've been waiting for, after a whole month fasting. have ramadhan given us something? have I been a better person to HIM? ugh, I don't think so. I feel I'm still the same person I was before. and it's kinda of sad. I know I did ibadah more than days out of ramadhan. but after ramadhan ends, will I still be like that? or I'll be back to my habits before?
hari yang dinanti-nanti setelah sebulan penuh beruasa. sudahkah ramadhan memberiku sesuatu? sudahkah aku menjadi orang yang lebih baik di mataNYA? ugh, kayanya belum. aku merasa aku masih orang yang sama seperti sebelum ramadhan, menyedihkan. aku tahu selama ramadhan aku lakukan ibadah lebih banyak dari hari biasa di bulan lain. tapi setelah ramadhan habis, apa aku bisa bertahan seperti itu? atau aku akan balik seperti bagaimana biasanya aku?

above it all, this might be my last change to write here before the day, since I will have to leave for Solo tonight. so I just want to wish those who celebrate:
di atas segalanya, ini mungkin kesempatan terakhirku untuk menulis sebelum hari H, soalnya nanti malam aku sudah harus berangkat ke Solo. jadi, kepada yang merayakan aku ingin ucapkan:


and to everyone, I apologize for all mistakes I might have done to you.
dan kepada semua orang, aku ingin mintaa maaf atas segala kesalahan yang mungkin pernah aku buat.

see you in a week, insha Allah.
sampapi jumpa seminggu lagi, insya Allah.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

am I brilliante enough?

carrie awarded me this:

so confusing. what is so brillante about this blog? especially when I don't blog much lately.
to let you know, I also get this for my one indonesian blog, and it leaves me the same question. I really thank you for this appreciation.
agak membingungkan. apa brillante-nya blog ini? apa lagi akhir-akhir ini aku males poting. sekadar memberi kabar, aku juga dapat award ini di blog-ku yang berbahasa indonesia, yang juga membutku menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama, bagaimana pun , terima kasih atas penghargaannya.

Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others! I guess this one also comes with a list of questions (what if don't answer these question? you'll take back the award? ahahaha :D):
ini peraturannya: aku harus menjawab pertanyaan ini hanya sengan satu kata, lalu pass on ke tujuh orang dan menanyakan hal yang sama. (gimana kalo aku ga laksanakan aturannya, awardnya dicabut? ahahahah :D)

1. Where is your cell phone? hand
2. Where is your significant other? office
3. Your hair color? black
4. Your mother? shelter
5. Your father? art
6. Your favorite thing? blog
7. Your dream last night? forgotten
8. Your dream/goal? twister
9. The room you're in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? singing
11. Your fear? left (being left, not th opposite of right)
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
13. Where were you last night? out
14. What you're not? patient
15. One of your wish-list items?home
16. Where you grew up? Wonogiri
17. The last thing you did? sholat
18. What are you wearing? short
19. Your TV? living-room
20. Your pet? none
21. Your computer? my life
22. Your mood? sad
23. Missing someone? yup
24. Your car? none
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? ADA
27. Your summer? long
28.Love someone? lots
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? today

seven people to pass on, would be:
awardnya aku lempar kepada:
granny smith with her amazing stories and poems
wheresmyangels with her wonderful angels
diane-the-forgetful-one who never forget do her memes
susan who understand my limitation in words in writing poems
burpclothebabe with her wonderful mini hunk
mamashasa with her bling bling little angel
eva the super mom which means as gokil as I am

I am done. am I done? Iam done.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

any girl would have fallen in love with you easily


any boy would have never had a thought of me

but you saw in me what they didn't
and you gave to me what they wouldn't

nine years together
would it last forever?

for the love in you
I love you.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Thursday, September 18, 2008

another sleeping story

cerita lain tentang tidur

I don't know why sleeping has always been an interesting thing to discuss, lately
entah kenapa aku suka banget bahas masalah tidur belakangan ini

every night, Ar Ir and Ibit sleep in their own room. but, every early morning at around 05.00 one by one they will come into our bed and join us. that's why before that time we have to unlcok the door, or they'll knock crazily.
setiap malam, sebenarnya Ar Ir dan Ibit tidur di kamar masing-masing. tapi pagi shubuh biasanya satu persatu mereka akan nyusul ke kamar kami. itulah sebabnya sebelum waktu itu pintu kamar kami harus dibuka kuncinya. kalau enggak, mereka akan ngetok pintu seperti orang gila

this morning after eating our sahur and do shubuh prayer, everybody was still feeling sleepy and decided to take a little more bed before daily activities. so this is the formation
pagi ini setelah sahur dan sholat shubuh, semua masih merasa ngantuk dan pingin tidur sebentar sebelum mulai aktivitas hari ini. dan inilah formasinya

Dan, Ar, Ir, Ibit.

look at Ibit's hair, remind me of medusa :D
lihat rambutnya Ibit, kaya medusa :D
okay, I've taken the picture, so I'll lay my self beside Ibit...
okay, aku sudah ambil fotonya, sekarang aku mau baringan di sebelahnya Ibit...

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Thursday, September 11, 2008

half sleeping sahur.

sahur setengah tidur

ending sahur with a bottle of milk, half sleeping.
mimik cucu sambil setengah tidur...

as I told you on our first days fasting this ramadhan, Ar and Ir have been so good by eating sahur with us, although they do it half sleeping and I need to feed them like babies. but it's okay, really. I mean they really understand what they should not do during fasting.
seperti kuceritakan di hari-hari pertama puasa, Ar Ir pinter banget mau makan sahur meskipun sambil setengah tidur dan aku musti nyuapin seperti nyuapin bayi. tapi ga papa, beneran. maksudku, mereka ngerti banget apa yang harus mereka lakukan selama puasa.

yes they only do it half day, they can have lunch at dhuhur time which is in the high noon. but between meal times they really hold themselves not to eat or drink, no matter how hungry or thirsty they are. isn't it great? I mean, they do daily activities such as going to school, playing around the neighborhood, running, biking... and days are pretty hot nowadays.
memang mereka cuma puasa setengah hari, dan bisa makan saat dhuhur . tapi waktu-waktu di antara dua makan, mereka bener-bener menahan diri untuk tidak makan dan minum apa pun, ga peduli lapar dan haus. hebat kan? maksudku, mereka masih melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari seperti biasa. sekolah, main, lari-larian, naik sepeda... dan hari-hari belakangan ini lumayan panas.

we're onto day 10. and they still do fasting so well, and ... they still do the early breakfast half sleeping...
sudah masuk hari 10. dan mereka masih mau jalanin puasa dengan baik. dan... sahurnya masih sambil setengah tidur...

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Friday, September 5, 2008

miracle is...

when the nurse handed me my babies
tiny creatures that makes me stop breathing for a second or two

miracle is
when I see my babies roll

miracle is
when I hear my babies giggle

miracle is
when I feel my babies touch

miracle is
when I see them crawl, then stand up, then walk, then run, then ride a bike...

miracle is
when I hear them laugh, then humble, then say words, then speak, then sing...

miracle is
when I feel them rub, then hold, then kiss, then hug, then squeeze...

miracles happen everyday in my life, seeing my babies growing.

*for sunday scribblings*

Thursday, September 4, 2008

bored of the same old style of sleeping?

bosen dengan gaya tidur yang itu-itu aja?

is this wordless? or wordfull? well, it is picturefull, is it okay?
I'm participating Angie's Wordful Wednesday..

we've done this
kita sudah coba yang ini

and this
dan ini

and this
dan ini

well, this style feels good...
gaya ini kayanya enak...

the kids are so easy to sleep in car whenever we go home from anywhere. and I always find it cute, and never get bored of taking their pictures sleeping in car. seem so peaceful....
anak-anak tu gampang banget tidur di mobil kalo habis bepergian. dan menurutku itu cute, dan ga pernah bosen moto mereka tidur di mobil. kayanya damai bangeeet....

Monday, September 1, 2008

too much cheese....

kejunya kebanyakan...

I made this for day 2 sahur (earlier breakfast, that is done before adzan shubuh. adzan shubuh is the calling for shubuh prayer, indicate that dawn is coming as well). nanny has forgotten to cover the cheese well and it was a little bit drying. so I just put them all into the cooking, and it was too much... :D
bikin ini buat sahur hari kedua. si embak lupa nutup kejunya, jadi agak kering di bagian luarnya. akhirnya aku masukkin aja semua sekalian. tapi aww.... kayanya jadi kebanyakan... :D

but it's okay, the kids loved it anyway. beside, it only took 10 minutes cooking it!
ga papa lah, yang penting tetep pada doyan. cuma butuh 10 menit lho bikinnya!

slice some garlic (2) and onion (1). cut some meatballs (6). heat some margarine (1 spoon), then put in the garlic and onion until it smells good. followed by the meat ball -- mean while cut the cheese (as you like). put in some frozen vegetables (200 grams) -- continue cutting cheese. put ini cheese, some salt, and some sugar. stir stir stir... taaa... rrraaa.
iris bawang (2) dan bawang bombay (1), potong-potong bakso (6). panaskan mentega (1 sdm), masukkan bawang, bawang bombay -- sampai harum. masukkan bakso -- sambil potongin keju (suka selera). masukkan sayur beku (200 gr) -- sambil lanjutin potongin keju. masukkin keju, sedikit garam dan sedikit gula.
osreng-osreng-osreng... taaa rrraaaaa !!!!

ar and ir were so good. they woke up at 03.00 for sahur together with us. I had too feed them, because they ate with their eyes half closing. well, I was sleepy too actually.
I asked Dan, who has finished eating first to continue feeding while I was eating. but he just stare at the TV and the children fell asleep again... :P
ar ir pinter deh, mereka mau dibangunin jam 03.00 makan sahur. ya... meskipun makannya musti nyuapin, soalnya sambil ngantuk-ngantuk. padahal aku sendiri juga ngantuk.
si bapak lagi, udah selesai makan, dimintain tolong gantian nyuapin sementara aku makan, eh malah terpukau sama eko dan parto di tipi. anak-anak jadi merem lagi... :P

first day gone well. the children do half fasting. they still have lunch. but they learn not to eat or drink anything between eating times. it is just a learning process for them anyway, before they grow up and fasting is a must.
hari pertama kemaren terhitung sukses. anak puasa setengah hari sih, tapi alhamdulillah mereka bisa nahan diri untuk tidak makan atau minum di antara waktu-waktu makan. cuma ar sempet lupa sekitar jam delapanan, haus kali... maen sepedanya terlalu bersemangat... jangankan anak-anak, yang tua aja kalo hari pertama kadang lupa juga. (pengen deh lupa... ihihii)

hopefully we can get through this month well...
mudah-mudahan lancar puasanya...