what mothers did, what mothers do?
apa yang dilakukan ibu-ibu jaman dulu, apa yang dilakukan ibu-ibu jaman sekarang?
long ago, women in java and in many other places, washed clothes in the river, yes they did. some women even still do in some places. washing clothes is a precious moment, when they can have women talk while washing. any talk about kids, husband, cooking, or gossiping.
dulu, di jawa, dan di banyak tempat lain, ibu-ibu nyuci di kali. sampai sekarang juga masih ada. mencuci di kali adalah saat berharga, karena para ibu itu bisa sambil ngobrolin apa aja. anak, suami, masakan, dan... ngegosip!
nowadays, mostly in cities, they no longer do it that way. they use this:
sekarang, terutama di kota-kota, ga ada lagi namanya nyuci di kali. pakai ini:
means, they do it in their own houses, can't meet other women who may be doing the same thing at the same time. does it mean they can't do gossip thing while washing?
artinya, mereka nyuci di rumah masing-masing, ga bisa ketemu ibu-ibu lain yang mungkin sebenernya pada saat yang sama juga sedang melakukan hal yang sama. apakah ini berarti sudah hilang saat-saat bergossip sambil nyuci?
not really, they still can do it. they don't even have to do the same thing. a friend was washing, I was in my office, and another friend was baking something while we were having conversations using this:
ga juga, masih bisa kok. bahkan ga harus lagi nyuci semua. ada yang sedang nyuci, aku lagi di kantor, yang lain sedang memanggang sesuatu di oven; dan kami bercakap-cakap pakai ini:
seems like technology doesn't change women's natural habits :)
tampaknya teknologi tidak mempengaruhi kebiasaan alami perempuan :)
LOVE this. I'm thankful for the internet and being able to gossip while my washing is being done by electricity! :)
Hanya beda media. Kl jaman dulu di kali, zaman sekarang ngerumpinya via YM!
Ternyata banyak cara u/berbuat...kebajikan dan dosa...*sigh*
This was a great post, and so true. Women have to talk!
I so enjoy hearing about your life, too, since I live so far away.
♡ So true, so true!!! :)
Love the pictures and the post is oh so true. It is such a blessing to have washers and dryers and the net to meet new people to chat with or blog with.
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