Sunday, February 10, 2008

One Cold Rainy Day...

It was rainy all day long...
Hujan seharian...
and cold...
dan dingiiiiin...

I warmed up the morning with hot tea for everyone...
Teh untuk menghangatkan pagi...

Simple cooking for lunch.
Masak yang gampang untuk makan siang.
Fried tempe...
Tempe goreng...
some peyek I bought from a seller that passed by...
peyek yang aku beli dari penjual yang lewat...
to accompany warm rice...
menemani nasi hangat....
Late afternoon when the rain was no longer hard, I let the children play outside...
Agak sore ketika hujannya mulai mereda, aku biarkan anak-anak main di luar...


Claremont First Ward said...

WOw, that is some RAIN. I just finished reading a book about a woman who was born in Samarang to a native mother and Dutch father and was interred during the war. I had NO idea that your island was occupied for a time by the Japanese. Looks like I need to learn more about Indonesia!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Wow! That rain is crazy!!! All 3 kids look like they're having such fun though! My kids love to stomp in the puddles...