Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a new 'baby' in the house

Ibit is taking a classic piano lesson
and I thought she needs more than a simple keyboard we had
Ibit ambil les piano klasik
dan kupikir dia butuh lebih dari keyboard sederhana yang kami punya

her teacher said it's a big sacrification for one to decide to buy this

kata guru lesnya, membeli ini adalah sebuah pengorbanan


well, you bet he's right
this thing is too big for our little house
and too 'big' for my 'small' wallet too
dia benar
benda ini terlalu besar buat rumah kecil kami
dan terlalu 'besar' buat dompetku yang 'kecil'

but no regrets
some things worth more than money
tapi aku sama sekali tidak menyesal
tidak semua bisa dinilai dengan uang


Are You Serious! said...

♥ How exciting! I can't wait to get a piano! My house is too small too. But eventually! :)

bundAzkaFaqih said...

woww....a very nice piano, bit!;).

ajarin Adek azka yaaa besok...;).

Thx for coment mb latree, iyaa bnr bgt, bundanya juga kudu siap di-sapih nihh;)

Unknown said...

Huehehe ... emang bener ya mba, kl dah mencet nomor sdr ... udah deh bs every minute he calls! Though he can do that now, but still in random number. Even so, he manage to call Ayam Tulang Lunak delivery service one day ... somehow he got through my phonebook and voila! ... lol.
Ibit ntar kl dah jago maennya, ke rumah tante ya! Asiiik dengerin piano ...

Casey's trio said...

I always wanted to learn how to play the piano, but never did! What a lucky girl!