Now as he is in the next step or learning to read, I want to combine the fun of shopping with reading.
I made him a list of what he had to buy.
So while Ibit did the real shopping with the real list, I accompanied Aik did his shopping. He read the list top down and pick each thing.
Here we go!
Telur - Egg
For a while I thought it was a mistake to put 'egg' on the list. But well we managed to bring the eggs home safely :D
Roti - Bread
Yes that phenomenal brand. We are not endorsing but that's what he likes and I really don't think it is haram.
Tisu - Tissue
Susu - Milk
Well actually it was supposed to be 'susu kental manis coklat' but I didn't want to weigh him with long name of the item :D
Biskuit - Biscuit
And he reminded me the label as I have drawn on the list
The cashier man seemed so happy to see Aik and his list. I think he knew that I usually bring my own shopping bag so he asked me 'Is it okay to use a plastic bag?' when I told him that I forgot to bring a shopping bag.We brought one but it was for Ibit's shopping. So, well, fine, we used plastic bag.
Shopping done!
We have to do this again some other time, shall we?
Seru mbak. Mungkin next step diajari centangin kali ya. Hehehe. Salah 1 guru tk ku dulu buat kenalin bentuk geometri jg bs mbak. Mbuh carane py. Wkwkwk
iya kemarin rencananya juga mau centang setelah ambil, tapi lupa bawa spidol. mungkin benda yang dibeli yang bentuk geometrisnya apa gitu? menari juga sih...
Saya sekeluarga juga suka Sari Roti hehe
Saya sekeluarga juga suka Sari Roti :D
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