Thursday, March 27, 2014

Out and About

I just thought we needed to going out other than to malls or having meals. I wanted to just sit on grass and look up at stars in the sky. 
But that might be boring for ‎the kids. So we decided to go to Simpang Lima and let the kids have fun with small wheels we rent. 

I and Dan took turn watching Dek Ai'. 

Later I and Ibit just sat at the edge of the park watching people around enjoying the bright night.
And the rest joined us when they got enough.

There. A night under the sky.


Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Sunday, March 9, 2014


is when you some times are allowed to enjoy fried rice at the sidewalk tent...

Surga. Adalah ketika sesekali kamu diperbolehkan makan nasi goreng di warung pinggir jalan. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hand Puppet

Ar and Ir made the puppet from flannel fabric for school. The teacher said they must sew, and not use glue.

I haven't introduce thread and needle to them before. So thay start learning from zero. From how to smuggle the thread into the needle, drawing and cutting the pattern, and sewing.

They are quite fast learner, I guess. They finished in less then two hours. That was great for a beginner.

This is Ar with the smiling puppet.

And Ir with (I don't know what has crossed hid mind) the zombie.


Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

(broken) iLand

Ir built these buildings in a game on Facebook, iLand. this game provides materials of many kinds. wooden, glass, brick, stone. you stay in an island and you can build anything you want with the materials. it takes imaginations, spatial viewing ability, and tons of patience.

in this game you are connected with friends so. you can interact on a chat and visit each other. that's fun.

what's not fun is when a friend, you don't know which one, silently come and destroy your creations. yes that's what's happened to Ir's buildings. he opened up the game's home and found some parts were awfully broken. you can always fix them up. but, as material supplies change every months, you might get out of some kind of materials. so you just put on any materials that doesn't match the rest. it's not beautiful at all. he didn't let me take any picture of those broken parts.

'heartless....' he said, while 'walking' around searching and then fix the broken parts. he could not figure out who that possibly be. still he didn't seem to get mad though. he just kept calm and fixing patiently. and I keep wondering, why would any body want to destroy a friend's creation?

I sat next to him, watching. it seemed tiring (even more because it is not only your buildings that's been broken, but also your heart). and when he was finally done...

'oooh... I'm so tired. let's lay down and have some rest on my bed.."

well, that sounds fine and relaxing :)


Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Monday, March 3, 2014

Virtual Reality

Aku lupa pernah mendengar istilah ini di mana. Di film Disclosure apa ya? Yang jelas, sepemahamanku, maknanya kira-kira, kenyataan yang sebenarnya buatan.

Paling gampang (yang bisa kutemukan) virtual reality ini dirasakan kalau kita nonton film 3D di Ancol itu. Jadi selain gambarnya 3 dimensi yang menyata dengan kacamata khusus, kursinya juga dibikin bergoyang menyesuaikan adegan filmnya. Makin nyata lah seolah kita merasakan kejadian di film.

Tapi pergi ke sana kan mahal ya. Ir punya cara yang lebih ekonomis menikmati game dengan rasa virtual reality.

Hari Minggu kemarin kami jalan-jalan ke pasar pagi di dekat pintu air besar Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Salah satu booth (yaelah booth) yang menarik adalah mobil-mobilan apa ini entah judulnya. Semacam ATV atau motor/mobil batere. Ar Ir dan sepupunya naik jadi satu. Ar yang mengemudi.

Melihat foto ini aku geli, bingung, bertanya-tanya. Apa yang dilakukan Ir itu? Main game di handphone? Bukannya jadi sulit dalam keadaan naik mobil yang jalannya geronjalan begitu?

Oh ternyata aku salah. Justru dia baru kepikiran main game ketika sudah berada di atas mobil mini itu. Gamenya, balap rally mobil. Sensasi laju dan goncangannya bikin seolah game-nya nyata. Hahaha.. oke deh...

Ayo siapa mau coba, game rasa virtual reality hanya dengan Rp. 5000 >.<