Thursday, December 26, 2013

Not Normal

He is 'not normal' I know. Still I would get mad so bad if someone dare to say that before my face. It is very clear and I don't need any more people to tell. It doesn't help to make him 'normal'. It doesn't help at all. It doesn't make me feel better, at all. 

He's 'not normal' I know. And therefor my love for him is more than normal. And I would do anything I can to help him live normally.

It is boring to be normal, anyway. He's special like any other kids be. He's special and you can't deny it.


Anggie...mamAthar said...

Aiiiikkkk.... kamu bisaaaaa...

Forgetfulone said...

"Not normal" would make me angry, too.

Unknown said...

setiap anak itu special,, utamanya bagi orang tuanya masing2....
semoga tmbuh menjadi anak spesial kebaggaan orang tua ya.. :)