I found that some babies have special stuffs to comfort them in the bed times. One of my nephew has a little towel he holds while asleep. The other one has a little soft fabric doggie. My friend's daughter can not sleep without her ugly little bolster.
aku mendapati beberapa anak punya barang kesayangan yang membuat mereka nyaman tidur. salah satu keponakanku punya handuk kecil yang dikeloni kalau tidur. yang lain punya boneka anjing dari kain. anak temenku ga bisa tidur kalau ga peluk guling kecil jeleknya.
It's cute. But it would be a disaster when you go somewhere without those stuffs. They can not sleep. Or at least hard to sleep well and sound. That's why I never let my kids have one.
lucu sih. tapi repot kalau pas bepergian kelupaan ga bawa. anaknya jadi ga bisa tidur. kalau bisa pun pakai rewel dan gelisah. makanya aku ga biasakan anakku punya barang-seperti itu.
I thought.
Because in fact Ai' has such stuff. That ugly beads bracelet around my wrist. He's not too much depending on it. But it helps a lot to comfort him. I was thinking about putting the bracelet on his wrist. But beads are not safe for babies, I think.
karena kenyataannya Ai' punya. itu gelang manik-manik jelek yang aku pakai. Ai' ga terlalu tergantung pada gelang itu sih. tapi sangat membantu untuk membuat dia merasa nyaman dan cepet tidur. sempat terpikir untuk masang gelang itu di tangannya aja. tapi manik-manik itu berbahaya buat bayi..
So I assume it is me that comforts him. Ya, me wearing the bracelet. And it feels so good...
jadi aku berasumsi bahwa yang bikin nyaman itu aku. aku yang memakai gelang itu. rasanya menyenangkan...
That's sweet. Ai' likes to know momma is near. I think you're smart not to get the kids in the habit of having an object because, like you said, what if it's not there.
Yes. It's you with the bracelet. My nephew used to rub his moms ear to go to sleep. Once he got older, he's rub his brothers. So funny. My #3 has this silky blanket he had to use. Luckily it was easy to wean his from it.
i have my own special stuff too... it's a keyring...
Kl mamanya pas tgs luar kota, brarti tuy gelang dipake sang ayah??? hmmm....
Iya yah? Gimana kalo gelangnya dipake bapaknya? Apakah dia bisa tidur dengan dikelon bapaknya?
@Diane and Angie: maybe. just may be :D
@satrio: keyring?
@anggie and vicky: oh, kalau sama bapaknya ada yang lain lagi buat dimainin :p
iye,,, gantungan konci dari blanda... dikasih bulek...
So cute! My Emma had a cute baby that got so worn out it was quite ugly in the end! Lane always liked having just "something" small in his hand and Eliza always played with her hair and still does. Olivia had like 5 babies stacked all around her... It's so cute how they all find their "something"!!! :)
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