you need to be cool...
harus keren

to be able to enjoy a 3D movie
kalau mau nonton film 3D

like what we watched last night: DESPICABLE ME
the children loved it, and so did every one...
seperti yang kita tonton semalam: DESPICABLE ME
anak-anak senang, semua senang...
harus keren

to be able to enjoy a 3D movie
kalau mau nonton film 3D

like what we watched last night: DESPICABLE ME
the children loved it, and so did every one...
seperti yang kita tonton semalam: DESPICABLE ME
anak-anak senang, semua senang...

Hosted by Cecily and Momma
pappoooy pappoyyy butt...butt...butt..
hihihihi hihihihhi *minions mode ON*
buat yg berkacamata macem aku, agak2 repot kalo nambah kacamata 3D gitu. jadi kurang nyaman, agak2 ngganjel gitu, hehe.
btw kalo nonton 3D, pilih duduk agak depan, jangan yg belakang, karena di depan efek 3D-nya lebih terasa ;)
I saw that recently, too, and I LOVED IT! My fave line is "Uh, I hate THAT guy!" Mr. Gru. Don't know if you saw it in English or if it was translated. It's when Vector goes by him and basically incinerates his ride. Funny movie!
pasti seruuu dan menyenangkan. Pa lagi nontong 3D ditemani anak2 yg cute dan lucu2.
You must be a wonder mom.
It's my own 1th visited. Salam kenal :)
@tyas: minions itu pekok kabeh, lucune poll
@fahmi: kacamatanya ditumpuk gitu? aku ngalahi ngelepas kacamata minusku, wong baru min 1 aja, masih lumayan...
@diane: it was subtitled, not dubbed. so I still could catch the conversations in english. I think every dialogue was funny!
@gaelby: terima kasih kunjungannya, salam kenal kembali
This looks like a good movie. We have not been to see it yet though!
kalo 4D, di depan or di belakang terasa semuanya! Bapak, Ibu, makasih udah ngajak DESPICABLE ME.
Mr.Dru, jangan jadi penjahat lagi ya... Minion.... semoga kalau aku nonton lagi. Kalian lebih lucu dari pada yang sekarang. Aku harap, ada film khusus untuk minion.
"Papoyyy... papoyy...."
FUN! My kids are just dying to see that!
I really want to see that movie! I hope it is as funny as the previews make it appear!
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