and I do have face powder
I also have blush on
and lip liner
eye brow liner
and I have eye shadow
I don't have mascara 'coz I still find it so hard to put it on, afraid it might stab my eyes.
but I wear them sooooo rarely.
early this week I visit neighbor district government office. we met the secretary and I was amazed. she was dang so pretty, energetic, warm, looks bright and clever, and tinier than me. and she wore make ups. I guess she wore every kind of make up I own, plus mascara.
I imagined if I wore all that I have, I could look a little more than she did. oh please. I would be taller, which I am. but I'm not that pretty. I can't be much energetic with this tummy and the baby inside. and I'm not in the mood to be warm. and I don't look bright nor clever.
but this morning I wanted to give it a try. so I opened up my cosmetic wallet.
puff puff puff... some powder.
I opened up my lipstick and...

it was new, and I only have used it twice. first was, on my book launching december 10 last year. second was, on my friend's wedding party last week. but I barely can remember how my lipstick could experience this.
the lipstick spotted my finger. so I just rubbed it on my lips. and closed my wallet.
I lost me desire to make up my face. I'm much prettier without. I accept my destiny, I was not born to wear make ups.

Hosted by Cecily and Amy
LOL! I have had that happen to lipstick. I don't wear a lot of make up either. I don't like lip stick at all, but I do like lip gloss.
I never worry about mascara because I wear contact lens so I am very used to sticking things in my eyes!
HAHA! Awesome post Latree!
I don't think I've even purchased lipstick in a decade. I'm resigned to my destiny a chapstick girl! :)
I wish I wasn't destined to wear make up either...but I faithfully put it on daily!
Aku suka pake blush on dan mascara ... itu aja :p
opposite of me, mbak...
i heart make up....
i love the confidence that make up gives me... :)
it seems my way also.
latree, thx for all comments in my blog. i need to rest :(
You know what -- most women are much more beautiful without the makeup.
Just one man's opinion :)
♥ Looks like a child got into it! Emma got into my mascara when she was little and made a mess of it! I think you're adorable! :)
Ha ha! I love how you wrote this, it really is the conversations many of us have going on in our heads whether we are aware of it or not. I used to wear makeup and have my hair perfect, but then had kids. :) Life changes.
I've always found it to be too much work. You are beautiful.
My daughter is beautiful, but she is 14 and feels it necessary to apply a little here and a little there. She was at least taught how to apply it by her aunt this past summer and she does well. I think the best way to wear makeup, is to apply it so that others are unsure you are even wearing it.
True beauty needs no enhancement!
My daughter once did a similar experiment on one of my fav. sticks.
We can't all be born to wear make up! I have the same issues too! :-)
I came here from the Photo Story Friday post...
I've tried to wear lipstick in the past...but it just feels so odd, so wrong, and I end up chewing it off. Concealer, however, is this woman's best friend! I depend on it to hide my tired eyes and post-adolecent acne.
I'm with you there. Makeup just doesn't look good on least, I just don't look like ME with so much on. cute post :D
Haha! I totally understand. I think I'm much more a chapstick/lipgloss kind of girl myself.
You don't need makeup! Maybe the other woman needed it. You, my dear one, are beautiful!
YOu are beautiful without makeup!
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