Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tweety VS sylvester

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Emily

Few days ago Ar found a little bird fallen from its nest on his way home from school. He brought the bird home and took care of it. It was small and still couldn’t fly, yet.
The kids fed it with rice and gave it some water to drink. I was glad the bird liked it.
Beberapa hari yang lalu Ar menemukan seekor anak burung yang jatuh dari sarangnya ketika pulang sekolah. Dia membawa anak burung itu pulang dan memeliharanya. Burung itu masih kecil dan belum bisa terbang. Anak-anak memberinya nasi untuk makan dan memberinya minum juga. Sukur burungnya mau.

But as we know, a little bird would never get along with cat. And yes, we have this cat Sasa in our house. And believe she is normal. So I told the kids to always be aware and keep the bird out of Sasa’s reach.
Tapi seperti kita tahu, burung ngga bakalan akur dengan kucing. Dan ya, kami punya kucing Sasa di rumah. Aku yakin dia normal, makanya aku selalu ingatkan anak-anak untuk hati-hati dan menjaga Burung Kecil dari Sasa.

Last night before bed, it was Ar’s turn to brush his teeth. He handed Little Birdie to Ibit to keep, because Sasa was around. Ibit just put it on her arm, and…
Semalam sebelum tidur, giliran Ar untuk gosok gigi. Dia meminta Ibit untuk menjaga Burung Kecil karena ada Sasa. Ibit membiarkan Burung Kecil bertengger di lengannya dan...

Sasa pounce it. Ibit try to take Little Birdie from Sasa’s mouth. She did, but the bird was already wounded.
Sasa menerkamnya. Ibit mencoba mengambil Burung Kecil dari mulut Sasa. Dia berhasil, tapi Burung kecil sudah terluka.

I put some iodine on it. Then I told Ibit to put Little Birdie on its box, bring it to her room, and shut the door to make sure Sasa wouldn’t get in.
Aku beri iodine di lukanya. Lalu aku minta Ibit untuk meletakkan Burung Kecil di kotaknya, membawanya ke kamar, dan menutup pintu supaya Sasa tidak bisa masuk.

"Would it be all right? It's wounded and bleeding" they asked.
"I hope it will. Just let it take some rest.." though I know it wouldn't. The wound was too big for such a small creature...
"Apa dia akan sembuh? Dia luka dan berdarah" tanya mereka.
"Mudah-mudahan. Sekarang biarkan dia istirahat.." meskipun aku tidak yakin. Lukanya terlalu besar untuk makhluk sekecil itu...


At 01.00 while I was going to do my midnight prayer, as usual (if I could wake up at mid nights) I stepped down stairs to children’s room to see how they were doing. This time, plus how Little Birdie was doing. And I found it cold and stiff.
Jam 01.00 kebetulan aku bangun dan berniat untuk sholat malam. Seperti biasa kalau pas aku terbangun tengah malam, aku menyempatkan turun ke kamar anak-anak melihat mereka. Kali ini, tambah melihat keadaan Burung Kecil. Aku menemukannya sudah dingin dan kaku.

I can not blame my children for crying over it. I remember when I was a child, I cried when my cat was dead …
Aku tidak bisa menyalahkan anak-anak menangisi hal seperti ini. Aku ingat waktu aku masih anak-anak, aku juga nangis waktu kucingku mati...


pinkparis said...

Poor little bird, but at least it has received some love from your family. I'm sure it'll appreciate it.

Indrani said...

That is so sad! I hope your children takes it well.

Maggie May said...

Oh that was a sad little tale. That is the only thing about cats, their naughty habits with bird catching.

Funny how we both wrote about pets this week.

Nuts in May

Emily said...

That's a shame after they took such good care of it.

Michelle said...

Awww, how sad. Chances are the birds was going to die anyway, so your cat probably isn't to blame.

I remember trying to save a lot of birds in my childhood!

scrappysue said...

but at least you tried and gave it some peace before it had to leave...losing pets is so sad

Forgetfulone said...

I would cry, too. Poor little birdie. But kitty was doing what comes naturally. She is a beautiful cat, by the way.

CC said...

:( :( :(

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That is a sad story with a hard real life lesson.

tyas said...


Nana said...

Aww. I'm sorry to hear about the bird's death. When I was little, my mom and I found a wounded crow. They're very agressive birds, but my grandpa managed to bring it back home. He nursed him until he was strong enough to fly again. I always imagined he'd come back to visit, with his crow family.