Begitu banyak cara yang dilakukan orang untuk menyambut Ramadhan. Di Semarang, binatang imajiner Warak Ngendhog muncul setiap kali menjelang Ramadhan
There are so many ways for Moslems all around the world to welcome Ramadhan, the fasting month. Here in
Setiap bulan Sya'ban, bulan sebelum Ramadhan, ada semacam festival di
Every Sya’ban, the month before Ramadhan, we have a festival, a fair, any thing you call it. We call it Dugderan. So many goods are sold there. But what makes it unique is there are special toys for boys girls sold only in this fair, and one of those is Warak.
Warak is an imaginary animal. Its body is like goat but its head is lika dragon’s. Warak as a toy is small. It has four wheels so you can put a rope on it, and pull it while walking, and it will follow you like a dog. Its curly sexy hair made of colorful oil paper. Nobody knows who invented Warak, or when it was invented. People who make and sell Warak nowadays get the ability making it from their parents without knowing history behind.
The culmination of Dugderan is the Warak Ngendhog Parade. ‘Ngendhog’ is Javanese means having eggs. The Waraks are having eggs.. Does it mean Warak is female? Or there male and female, but only the female ones join the parade?Not really. It’s not even clear whether warak is male, female or hermaphrodite…
Festival Warak Ngendhog diselenggarakan tepat sehari sebelum Ramadhan, yang kali ini jatuh pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2009. Kebetulan kemarin aku sedang berada di Jalan Pemuda, jalur yang dilalui arak-arakan festival yang diawali dari Balaikota, melalui jalan-jalan protokol dan berakhir di Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah.
Warak Ngendhog Parade is held right one day before Ramadhan. This year it is on August 21. Fortunately I was there on the street where the parade was held, before it is going to Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Warak yang diarak untuk festival tentu saja berbeda dengan warak mainan yang dijual di Dugderan. Ukurannya lebih besar, rata-rata sebesar sapi bahkan ada yang lebih. Dandanannya pun lebih meriah baik deri segi warna maupun bentuknya. Kepala naganya lebih nyata, sebagian dibuat mirip dengan kepala barongsai yang bermata genit itu.
Waraks for the parade are off course different with the toy version. They are in bigger size, as big as a cow, some even more. They also dress up more colorful. The dragon head looks more real. Some are made like a Barongsai head. Susah banget mau ngambil gambar yang bagus, penontonnya padee....ttt!! It was a little bit difficult to take a good shot. Look at the crowd..... So… Happy fasting month, for Moslems all around the world!
Jadi... Selamat menjalankan ibadah Bulan Ramadhan!