Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Intelligence

It is sad to hear some one says that your child is stupid, isn't it? Or some thing not exactly that word. Just a sentence such as 'oh, this kid is not stupid ya', which means for once this person thought the kid is.
Sedih nggak sih, kalau dengar ada orang mengatakan anakmu 'bodoh'? Meski ngga senyata itu sekali pun. Misalnya, 'oh, ternyata anak ini nggak bodoh ya'. Yang berarti dia sempat berpikir ini anak bodoh.

I believe every child has their own intelligence. My baby is not speaking yet, may be he's just not there, yet. But when he face his tablet he knows where to touch to get to the games he likes. And he knows how to play the games. He knows how to find his favorite videos and music. He knows what to do with his toys, books, shoes, clothes, milk bottles...
Aku sih percaya, setiap anak mempunyai kecerdasan sendiri-sendiri. Bayiku belum bisa bicara, ya mungkin karena dia belum sampai ke sana. Tapi kalau dia sedang menghadapi tablet-nya, dia tahu caranya menuju games kesukaannya. Dia bisa main gamenya. Dia tahu caranya membuka video dan foto-foto favoritnya. Dia tahu harus berbuat apa dengan mainan, buku, sepatu, baju, botol susu...

He knows a lot more than what people around him think he does.
Dia tahu lebih banyak dari yang diperkirakan orang-orang di sekelilingnya.

Maybe he just needs more stimulant than other kids need. And that's what we'll give.
Mungkin dia cuma butuh lebih banyak rangsangan dari pada anak lain pada umumnya. Kasih dah...

1 comment:

Pim said...

Dek Aik wes koyok kokoh-kokoh yang punya toko hihihihi.. *cubit pipinya