Thursday, July 15, 2010

3D and coolness

you need to be cool...
harus keren

to be able to enjoy a 3D movie
kalau mau nonton film 3D

like what we watched last night: DESPICABLE ME
the children loved it, and so did every one...

seperti yang kita tonton semalam: DESPICABLE ME
anak-anak senang, semua senang...

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Momma

Saturday, July 10, 2010

a break

I have nothing to tell about this week. But you might want to read a short story I wrote...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

big one little one

I and my sister in law Lin, had babies in only 18 days apart. mine, Ai, was born 2,5 kgs while Lin's baby Nara was 2,8.
aku dan iparku Lin punya bayi hanya selisih 18 hari. bayiku, Ai', terlahir 2,5kg sedangkan bayi Liln, Nara 2,8.
this week I visit my parents and have a chance to spend some time with them, as my kids are having long holiday and I am still off from work..
minggu ini aku mengunjungi orang tuaku dan berkesempatan menghabiskan waktu bersama mereka, mumpung anak-anak lagi liburan sekolah dan aku juga masih cuti.

now look at them, Nara 6weeks and Ai' 4weeks. Nara has grown up to 6kgs while Ai' is now 3,5kgs. funny to see how two babies in an (almost) same age are being in so different sizes. I'm so jealous about Nara's progress in gaining weight. well, Ai' has reached the standard weight at least. but still he looks so tiny beside Nara!
lihat deh, Nara 6minggu dan Ai' 4minggu. Nara sudah 6kg dan Ai' sekarang 3,5kg. lucu rasanya melihat bayi yang seumuran tapi ukurannya beda banget. aku iri dengan penambahan berat badan Nara. lumayan sih, Ai' sudah mencapai berat badan standar. tapi tetep aja keliatan kecil banget kalau dijejerin Nara!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily