Hosted by Cecily and Life With Kaishon
studying, never was my hobby. all my time being a student. this is 180 degrees opposites my husband, who has always been studying and been a diligent student. well, until he met me in college, that's when I contaminated his habit with mine :P
so I totally understand when some kids don't like studying. now I understand that's just because they don't find studying is interesting.
aku ngga hobi belajar, seumur aku menjadi murid. ini berlawanan 180 derajat dengan suamiku yang selalu rajin belajar selama sekolah. well, tentu saja itu sebelum dia ketemu aku di kuliahan, aku mengkontaminasi kebiasaannya dengan kebiasaanku :P
jadi aku ngerti banget kalau ada anak yang ngga suka belajar. sekarang sih aku ngerti, bahwa itu karena buat mereka belajar itu ngga menarik
it was a little bit hard to pull my twin to sit before desk and concentrate for a while to their books. seemed like they really are my children :D. but this isn't some thing I just can let go on. so I tried to make it interesting for them do math exercises.
beda dengan Ibit, agak susah ngajak Ar Ir duduk dan konsentrasi sebentar ngadep buku pelajaran. bener-bener anakku mereka itu :D. tapi tentu saja ini bukan hal yang boleh aku biarkan terus-terusan. karenanya aku mencoba membuat belajar matematika menarik buat mereka.
I made them their own exercise book.
aku buatkan mereka buku latihan sendiri.
aku buatkan mereka buku latihan sendiri.

on every page I drew some stuffs for them to color. they are interested to do the coloring instead of doing the real exercises but that's fine.
di setiap halaman aku beri gambar untuk diwarnai. mereka memang lebih tertarik mewarnai gambarnya ketimbang mengerjakan latihan yang sesungguhnya.
di setiap halaman aku beri gambar untuk diwarnai. mereka memang lebih tertarik mewarnai gambarnya ketimbang mengerjakan latihan yang sesungguhnya.

they'd do it any way, because if they do all the exercises correctly, they can cut this little part lower on the page.
tapi mereka pasti mentgerjakannya, karena jika betul semua, mereka boleh memotong bagian kecil di ujung kiri bawah setiap halaman latihan.
tapi mereka pasti mentgerjakannya, karena jika betul semua, mereka boleh memotong bagian kecil di ujung kiri bawah setiap halaman latihan.

every page is worth Rp.100 and if they collect at least ten coupon from ten pages, they can buy themselves some treat :D
setiap halaman bernilai Rp. 100 dan bila mereka mengumpulkan kupon dari 10 halaman, mereka bisa beli jajan yang lumayan.
Ibit said I was too stingy. Rp. 100 for ten to twenty numbers each page. but I don't think so. I never had to pay any single rupiah for all numbers of exercises Ibit has done. it's not about how much they've got, but how fun it was to get it.
kata Ibit aku pelit, Rp.100 untuk 10 - 20 nomor per halaman. tapi ga juga. aku malah ga pernah bayar serupiah pun untuk semua latihan yang dikerjakan Ibit. ini bukan soal berapa jumlahnya, tapi pasti senang memperolehnya.
beside, if I put Rp. 1000 in every coupon, I'll soon be broken!
lagian kalau tiap halaman bernilai Rp.1000, aku bisa cepet bangkrut!
note: $1,00 = Rp. 9700,00 (approximately)
What a great little motivation tool!! I love the idea and I love that you've worked so hard to make something that could be boring hard fun for your kids.
Very creative and if it works all the better! Way to go and coming up with fun way to do math! Got any ideas for algebra? :)
I love it! What a great Mommy you are : ). So cute. I hope they love their books. PS I was never a good study-er either! : )
those are wonderful. you did a great job on them and i'm sure they love doing the books because it is time with you and it shows that you care. i wasn't much of a student either, but i loved studying when my mom created workbooks for me. great job!
I think that is a wonderful idea! I really like how you created those books for them! hmm..may use this idea one day too :-) Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I think those math booklets make you supermom! Exercises, fun, and reward all in one! And you're not too stingy. Ha ha.
♥ My kids would love that too! :)
What a great idea!
Verry Creative for kiddies
I think this is a great idea! What a fun way to get your kids to study.
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