Thursday, February 25, 2010

I was [not] born to wear make ups

I do have lipstick
and I do have face powder
I also have blush on
and lip liner
eye brow liner
and I have eye shadow
I don't have mascara 'coz I still find it so hard to put it on, afraid it might stab my eyes.

but I wear them sooooo rarely.

early this week I visit neighbor district government office. we met the secretary and I was amazed. she was dang so pretty, energetic, warm, looks bright and clever, and tinier than me. and she wore make ups. I guess she wore every kind of make up I own, plus mascara.

I imagined if I wore all that I have, I could look a little more than she did. oh please. I would be taller, which I am. but I'm not that pretty. I can't be much energetic with this tummy and the baby inside. and I'm not in the mood to be warm. and I don't look bright nor clever.

but this morning I wanted to give it a try. so I opened up my cosmetic wallet.
puff puff puff... some powder.
I opened up my lipstick and...

it was new, and I only have used it twice. first was, on my book launching december 10 last year. second was, on my friend's wedding party last week. but I barely can remember how my lipstick could experience this.

the lipstick spotted my finger. so I just rubbed it on my lips. and closed my wallet.

I lost me desire to make up my face. I'm much prettier without. I accept my destiny, I was not born to wear make ups.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Amy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I know who that is

I know who that is

I know who puts his head under the pillow when he sleeps

I know that's Ir.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a creative writer (liar!) chalenge

Diane of Forgetfulone awarded me this unique award. I think it is cute. Tahnk you Di, now I can measure how good I lie :D

1.Thank the person who gave this to you. (see above)
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog. (see above)
3. Link to the person who nominated you. (see above)
4. Tell us up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth. (not sure how outrageous I can be, but I will try!)
5. Allow your readers to guess which one or more are true. (Please leave a comment!)
6. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies. (It will be fun for me if you all choose to participate!)
7. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate. (see below)
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them. (Will do.)

Okay here we go:
1. I love cooking.
2. I am 28.
3. I'm crazy about soap opera and infotainment.
4. I knew I could write since I was in High School.
5. I wonder how can some one dislike working out, as they wonder how can I dislike eating.
6. I am a full dedicated staying at home mother.
7. This is the only blog I own.

Okay. I guess I didn't do it right, I believe you can easily tell which are lies and which are truths.

People I mention below, I hope you got time to do this little fun craziness:
1. Fenty
2. Melissa
3. Queeny
4. Carrie
5. Yessi
6. Vicky Laurentina
7. Lizze

Have fun!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

the change

Sasa used to be a funny girl. she likes to play and some times bite me a little. my hand, my cheek, my nose.
dulu, Sasa itu kucing yang lucu dan lincah. dia suka bermain, kadang-kadang gemas dan menggigit aku di pipi, di tangan, di hidung.

I noticed she became calmer when she started pregnant. all she wanted to do was lazy. I remember I was in my lazy first weeks of my pregnancy. my children said that I and Sasa were two lazy pregnant mommies. o yeah.
aku perhatikan dia jadi agak kalem semenjak hamil. maunya malas-malasan aja. aku ingat waktu itu aku juga lagi mulai hamil dan malas-malasan juga. anak-anak menyebut aku dan Sasa dua ibu hamil yang pemalas.

Sasa is now a mother to these two lovely kittens. so, after the pregnancy is over, has the laziness gone? yes. but the old Sasa didn't come back. I now see her as a grown up lady who moves elegantly. she always be aware looking after her babies. she doesn't like to play anymore. a mother.
sekarang Sasa adalah ibu dari dua cemeng kecil lucu ini. jadi, setelah selesai hamil, apakah 'malas'nya juga pergi? iya, tapi Sasa yang dulu tidak kembali. sekarang aku lihat dia jadi wanita dewasa yang anggun. dia selalu waspada menjaga anak-anaknya. ngga suka bermain lagi. seekor ibu kucing.

so I look at my self and try to see if there was any same kind of changes after I became a mother. but I found out that I'm still the same silly girl with crazy things in my head. being a mother didn't put out my 'insanity'. I still do some silly and (some times) childish things that make me look less like a grown up lady.
aku melihat diriku sendiri dan mecoba menemukan perbedaan setelah aku jadi ibu. ternyata aku masih gadis konyol dengan hal-hal gila yang melintas di kepala. jadi ibu tidak melenyapkan sintingku. aku masih melakukan hal-hal yang menurut orang sudah bukan porsi ibu-ibu.

I don't know if it is a good or a bad thing. some may say I'm not normal, but I do feel there is nothing wrong being a silly mommy. just as long you take a good care of your family...
aku ngga tahu ini bagus atau buruk. orang boleh bilang aku ngga normal, tapi aku rasa ngga ada yang salah menjadi ibu yang agak konyol. selama keluarga tetap diurus aja...

the question is, can I?
pertanyaannya adalah, bisa tidak?

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Robyn