I know it's late for a photo story Friday, but I do it anyway.
memang telat kalau mau disebut postingan hari jumat. tapi biar lah.
this week is ours. yes it is. Ibit had a short story she wrote published on her school magazine. and I have mine published on a local tabloid (yes that same tabloid again) Cempaka.
minggu ini adalah milik kami. cerpennya Ibit dimuat di majalah sekolah, dan punyaku dimuat di tabloid lokal Cempaka (ya.. tabloid yang itu lagi).
the best thing about this is surely for Ibit. she got some fee from school for the publishing of her story. not much but I know it meant a lot to her. me? fee is not that important. the most important thing for me is that my writing is read by people. sounds idealist I know...
hal terbaik dari pengalaman ini adalah buat Ibit. dia dapat honor dari sekolah. tidak banyak, tapi aku tahu sangat berarti. aku? honor ngga terlalu penting. yang penting tulisanku dibaca orang banyak. kedengarannya idealis memang...
I think I have to start thinking about sending my writings to other media. appearing in the same tabloid too often could be boring for the readers. and I believe Ibit needs to start sending hers to real magazines out there. bismillah.
kupikir aku harus mulai berpikir untuk mengirimkan tulisan-tulisanku ke media lain. muncul terus-terusan di media yang sama bisa jadi membosankan. dan aku yakin Ibit perlu mulai mengirimkan tulisannya ke majalah beneran. bismillah.
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie
How wonderful! She is not only beautiful like her mother but just as smart!
What did she write about?
she wrote about a boy who could not sleep well because his bed is now too short for his grown body. he dare not to ask for a new one to his parent but his sister helped him. so he finally had his new bed and sleep well...
wah... hebat tenan!!!
mbak Ibit hebat, ibunya jagone hebat!!
wah sip! selamat ya :)
Congratulations to both of you!! How rewarding it must be as her mama to have her following in your footsteps like that!!
♥ Congratulations to the both of you!!! How FUN! :)
You two rock! Congrats to both of you! :)
Congrats to both of you! It's great that your daughter has a love of writing at such a young age. It will be a great asset to her in life. Writing is such a gift!
Congratulations to both of you! She is also becoming beautiful like you.
This is great! You must be very proud :-) I hope my son/daughter is a writer too, or an artist. You should send your stories to as many magazines you can. I remember, when I was nine, I used to wrie stories and my teachers praised me to my parents, they were so proud of me.
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