Friday, January 29, 2010

the good looking boy

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily

we were watching a commercial break of an alkaline dry cell. the story was about a boy robot and a girl robot. they suddenly came alive after the dry cells were plugged in, then they ran out and play in the green fresh garden.
kami sedang nonton iklan batere alkalin. ceritanya ada robot cewek dan robot cowok yang tiba-tiba jadi manusia hidup setelah dipasang baterenya. mereka lalu lari berkejaran di kebun yang hijau segar

Ar said: the boy is not good looking
kata Ar: anak-laki-lakinya ngga ganteng

oh yes. you look even a lot better!
oh iya, kamu jauh lebih ganteng!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a little make up

a kept awake till over midnight working on Ibit's blog template.
it should not be that hard if only I was familiar with html, but I am not. I just stared at the characters and tried to understand them. I used to have some one some where to guide me editing my blog CSS via Yahoo Messenger or GTalk. but I was afraid that I would be bothering to ask for his help again.
aku melek sampai lewat tengah malam ngutak-atik blognya Ibit.
harusnya ngga sulit-sulit amat kalau aku paham html, masalahnya aku tidak. jadi aku pelototin aja semua karakter dan mencoba mengerti. dulu ada seseorang di jauh seberang yang membantuku mengedit CSS blogku via YM atau GTalk. tapi aku takut dianya keganggu kalau aku minta tolong lagi

*I'm still trying to figure out how my post body could slide a little to the right. I tried to put it back to center but still can not find how*
*aku masih mancari-cari kenapa post body-ku bisa nggeser ke kanan sedikit seperti itu. mau aku balikin ke tengah tapi belum ketemu juga gimana caranya*

so after at least two hours trying, I gave up with Ibit's blog. enough to just change the blog back ground image. I am so glad she likes it :D.
jadi setelah berjam-jam mencoba, aku menyerah. hasilnya cuma ngganti gambar background, untung Ibit suka :D

I think I still need to change some font colors, and make sure Ibitwill always copy-paste her writings from MS Word to blog on 'edit html' -- just to keep the font family and size in defaults...
kayanya masih harus ngganti warna huruf, dan memastikan Ibit selalu kopi paste tulisannya dari word ke blog di 'edit html'-- supaya bentuk dan ukuran hurufnya ngga berubah...

Friday, January 15, 2010

to walk on a single bamboo bridge...

untuk meniti jembatan bambu tunggal

you would need
kau butuh

rasa keren


percaya diri


and guts.
dan keberanian.


PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily

Saturday, January 9, 2010

like mother like daughter

I know it's late for a photo story Friday, but I do it anyway.
memang telat kalau mau disebut postingan hari jumat. tapi biar lah.

this week is ours. yes it is. Ibit had a short story she wrote published on her school magazine. and I have mine published on a local tabloid (yes that same tabloid again) Cempaka.
minggu ini adalah milik kami. cerpennya Ibit dimuat di majalah sekolah, dan punyaku dimuat di tabloid lokal Cempaka (ya.. tabloid yang itu lagi).

the best thing about this is surely for Ibit. she got some fee from school for the publishing of her story. not much but I know it meant a lot to her. me? fee is not that important. the most important thing for me is that my writing is read by people. sounds idealist I know...
hal terbaik dari pengalaman ini adalah buat Ibit. dia dapat honor dari sekolah. tidak banyak, tapi aku tahu sangat berarti. aku? honor ngga terlalu penting. yang penting tulisanku dibaca orang banyak. kedengarannya idealis memang...

I think I have to start thinking about sending my writings to other media. appearing in the same tabloid too often could be boring for the readers. and I believe Ibit needs to start sending hers to real magazines out there.
kupikir aku harus mulai berpikir untuk mengirimkan tulisan-tulisanku ke media lain. muncul terus-terusan di media yang sama bisa jadi membosankan. dan aku yakin Ibit perlu mulai mengirimkan tulisannya ke majalah beneran. bismillah.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie