Sunday, June 28, 2020

there's a time for everything, or may be not.


I have stopped wondering when will my son be able to do this or that. if he was meant to, eventually he will. if he was not then it's okay if he can not. human have unimaginable capability but not unlimited. I have learned to accept that everybody (every body) is perfect, and so is  his.

I'm proud that Aik is now cofident enough to ride his bike with additional small wheels. and I am proud that I and Dan made it to ride 21 km with many stop-and-take-a-breath-s.

it's easier (and more peaceful) to focus on things we should be grateful for.

Eid in The Time of Corona and Life After

super late post for a never imagined Eid celebration.

we prayed at home, Dan be the Imam and Khotib. we didn't visit our parents. we visited our neighbors but only greeted from outside the gates. it was weird but intimate. but weird.
but covid 19 has made many things in life weird. many things are no longer the same. the government has announced 'new normal' life and my translation of new normal is we are not as free to do things as we did before.
not until we are sure the cases are lowering (or stopped). and still it will never be the same, ever. the awareness during pandemic will stay remain. I hope.