I'm just a piece of dandelion seed, that flew with the wind, away from where I used to be, to find a place to belong to, but I won't forget who I was
Saturday, September 24, 2011
THe Handsome Guys
Conversation I
Me: who is more handsome, you or Aik?
Ir: Aik
Me: Ar or Aik?
Ir: Aik
Me: you or Ar?
Ir: mmm.... Can't tell.
Conversation II
Me: who is more handsome, Ir or Aik?
Ar: me.
Me: you or Aik?
Ar: me.
Me: you or Ir?
Ar: me!
Oh yes, of course...
Monday, September 19, 2011
the dozen (a tribute to marriage)
Through wind and rain
Through hurt and pain
Through tears and laughter
Is there a living happily ever after?
Through the storm and thunder
This is a dozen of years.
This is my first dozen of years; with you.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Eid Greeting Cards
Ibit, Ar and Ir sent us these greeting cards for Eidl Fitri they made at school.
Cute :D
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Cute :D
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The Morning Sun
Did you watch Teletubbies?
Did you notice the beginning, where a baby-faced-sun rises and starts the day?
That's how my day starts every morning. When this baby of mine opens his eyes, smiles and starts crawling to start his day. That's when my sun starts shining.
He, is my sunshine... Who always brightens my days; my life.
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Did you notice the beginning, where a baby-faced-sun rises and starts the day?
That's how my day starts every morning. When this baby of mine opens his eyes, smiles and starts crawling to start his day. That's when my sun starts shining.
He, is my sunshine... Who always brightens my days; my life.
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Sickies
Tuhan pasti punya alasan, mendekatkan keluarga kami dengan rumah sakit. Seingatku, sejak aku masih kecil, seluruh keluarga pernah dirawat inap di rumah sakit. Bahkan ketika aku lahir, kedua kakakku juga sedang dirawat di rumah sakit. Ibu, sedang melahirkan aku. Bapak menunggui kami semua. Ya, jadinya semua pindah tidur ke rumah sakit. Bapak pernah hampir pasrah jika harus kehilangan Ibu, ketika Ibu dirawat sampai berbulan-bulan. Dua adikku pernah balapan melewati masa kritis karena malaria. Kami anak-anak perempuan, semua pernah dioperasi.
God must have a reason to put our family close to hospital. As I recall, since I was little, every one in my family has been treated in hospital. Even when I was born, my sisters were both in hospital. So was my mom, giving me birth. And my dad, taking care of us all. It was like our family moved to the hospital. My Dad once like giving up to lose my mom when she had to stay for months. Both my younger brother once together racing with critical time cause of malaria. We, the girls, all had surgery.
Karena saking seringnya anggota keluarga kami masuk rumah sakit, hal itu seperti menjadi hal yang biasa, walau kami tidak menyukainya. Tidak ada kepanikan. Tahu apa yang harus disiapkan. Siap dengan segala kemungkinan -- termasuk cari hutangan untuk biaya perawatan...
Because it was to often happened, being in hospital was like a normal thing, tho we never liked it. No panic. Knew what to do. Ready for every possibility -- including to owe money to pay the hospital.
Pun ketika Ibit harus dirawat, Dan awalnya panik. Tapi melihat aku tenang, dia pun ikut tenang. Ketika aku harus opname pun, Dan akhirnya tahu apa yang harus dilakukan tanpa jadi panik. Aku bahkan pernah datang sendiri ke rumah sakit, membiarkan diri diharuskan rawat inap. Baru setelah infus terpasang dan aku agak tenang, aku menghubungi Dan untuk datang membawa perlengkapan sehari-hari.
Like when Ibit needed to stay at hospital, Dan was panic at the beginning. But seeing me calm has made him calm too. When one day it was me who needed to stay at hospital, Dan knew exactly what to do and prepare. Once I brought my self to hospital and let the nurses put the infusion on me, then I called Dan to come and bring me things I needed.
Aku bercerita seperti ini bukan ingin bilang dirawat di rumah sakit itu gampang dan enak. Sama sekali ngga gampang, termasuk soal biaya. Dan sama sekali ngga enak. Sakit itu sudah ngga enak. Dirawat di rumah sakit lebih ngga enak. Kebosanan adalah penderitaan kedua setelah rasa sakit itu sendiri. Makanya jangan sakit, jaga kesehatan. Kesehatan adalah kekayaan yang tak terkira *yayaya... aku juga sedang mengingatkan diriku sendiri*
I'm telling this, not to say that being in hospital is easy and enjoyable. It is not easy at all, especially when it comes to cost. And not comfortable at all. Being sick is bad enough, even without staying. Get bored is the second misery after the illness. That's why, don't be sick. Take care of our health. Health is one of the biggest treasure... *yes I am reminding my self...*
Pagi ini aku membesuk anak seorang teman. Bayi enam bulan. Ada sesuatu di paru-parunya. Di tangannya dipasang infus. Di duburnya dipasang kateter. Mukanya pucat. Tubuhnya lemah. Matanya redup, lelah habis menangis. Masih ada sisa air mata mengering di ujung matanya. Kusentuh diam saja. Kuelus cuma berkedip. Kuajak bicara tidak bersuara.
This morning I was visiting a friend's daughter. A six months old baby. There was some thing in her lungs. She had infusion on his hand, and catheter in her anus. Her face was pale. Her body was weak. Her eyes were dim, tired of crying. I could still a dried tear left in the corner of her eyes. I touched her and she stayed still. I rubbed her and she just blinked. I talked to her but she gives no sound.
Sumpah. Melihat dia menderita itu juga penderitaan. Kita yang tua bisa bilang mana yang sakit. Bisa mengerti kalau harus nahan sakit ketika disuntik atau dipasang infus. Paham dan sabar jika memang harus terbaring lama untuk bisa sembuh. Tapi bayi bisa apa?
I swear. Watching her suffering was a suffer. We, grown ups, can tell which one hurts. We can understand to bear the pain when we need injections. We understand to be patient that we need to lay in bed for a while to get rid of. But what babies can do?,
Aku yakin, seandainya bisa, ibunya pasti mau mengambil alih semua rasa sakit yang dialami bayinya. Karena aku merasa begitu.
I believe if only she could, her mother would take over all the pain from her baby. Coz that's what I'm feeling
Kirim doa, kirimkan doa. Untuk semua bayi sakit di dunia. Semoga lekas sembuh. Dan berikan kesabaran kepada semua ibu mereka. Karena menunggui bayi sakit adalah lelah lahir batin...
Send your prayers, send our prayers. To all sick babies in the world. Get well. And give tons of patience to their mothers. Because taking care of sick babies is mentally and physically tiring...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The 25 of Us
This is the best moment of Eid Fitri. Our BIG family, all comes together. Doing crazy things. Watching the kids playing (and fighting) while the adults busy talking (and chewing)...
My sister has a great camera so we all depend on her for documentations. I didn't even shoot with my BB, which normally I would. But all the snapshots were gone, for the memory card was error :(
So thankful we took this picture with the other camera and at least we have the pict of the whole family...
Eid Mubarak, every one!
My sister has a great camera so we all depend on her for documentations. I didn't even shoot with my BB, which normally I would. But all the snapshots were gone, for the memory card was error :(
So thankful we took this picture with the other camera and at least we have the pict of the whole family...
Eid Mubarak, every one!
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