Thursday, April 29, 2010

the empty tea cups

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecilyand Caitlin

last night when I got home from work, I accompany my children to study. then I let them watch an anime movie a friend lent me.
semalam sepulang kerja, aku menemani anak-anak belajar sebentar. lalu mereka nonton film yang kupinjam dari seorang teman
in the middle of the movie Ibit said she wanted some tea and asked if I would made some for her. I said I would. after I took a bathe and prayed I made the tea and served it for the kids and Dan.
di tengah film Ibit minta dibuatkan teh. aku minta dia menunggu aku mandi dan sholat isya. lalu aku bikin teh untuk anak-anak dan Dan.

it was 9 PM, Ibit asked if they were allowed to sleep over the night time, to finish the movie. I said it was okay, 'but don't forget to do the prayer before bed'.
I was darn too sleepy to join them watch the movie, so I just laid down on the mattress and shut my eyes. I think I fell asleep just view minutes later.

jam 9, ibit minta diperbolehkan tidur lebih malam dari jam tidur biasanya, karena ingin menyelesaikan nonton filmnya. kataku boleh, 'tapi jangan lupa sholat isya sebelum tidur'.
aku ngantuk banget, jadi aku tidak menemani mereka nonton filmnya. aku tiduran di kasur dekat dengan mereka. kayanya aku langsung jatuh tidur.

about 10 and a quarter they turned off the media and ready for bed. faintly I heard 'gluk.. gluk.. gluk..' the sound of Ibit drinking her tea. then...
Ibit: 'Ar, Ir, aren't you going to finish drinking your tea?'
not sure Ar or Ir: 'it's not warm anymore, not good. I don't want it anymore...'
Ibit: 'drink it. Ibu was so tired but still made it for us, you should respect her. poor Ibu if you don't drink it'

sekitar jam sepuluh seperempat aku dengar tivi dimatikan. sayup terdengar suara 'gluk.. gluk.. gluk..' Ibit meminum tehnya. lalu...
Ibit: 'Ar, Ir, kalian ga habisin tehnya?'
entah Ar atau Ir: 'udah ngga anget, ngga enak. aku ngga mau lagi'
Ibit: ' minum, dik. Ibu tadi udah capek-capek bikinin, kasihan kalau nga diminum..."

and both Ar and Ir drank it.
'it still taste good though it's not warm...' one of the twin said.

Ar dan Ir meminumnya.
'eh, masih enak ya walaupun udah ngga anget lagi...' kata salah satu kembarku.

and off they went down stairs, to bed.
dan mereka pergi tidur.


this morning I woke up and found those three empty little cups.
oh yes they are empty, but my heart is filled. what the kid did was such a simple thing. but I found it so touching...

pagi ini aku bangun menemukan tiga cangkir kosong di meja.
cangkirnya kosong, tapi hatiku penuh. apa yang dilakukan anak-anak itu sederhana, tapi bikin aku terharu...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

what a day

last Sunday there was an event in my children's school. it was an Open House in order to celebrate Kartini Day. Kartini is one of our female national hero.

Ibit performed 3 times that day.

First: drumband

Second: sang with her rebana group

Third: sang 5 songs with her band group

I'm not a good one in dress and fashion. but I think I dressed her good. she refused to wear the costume I chose - at the beginning. she wanted just to wear a t-shirt and jean pants. but then she found that her friends loved it, so finally she likes it.

And as a bonus (or the most important thing to her?) was, she took 2nd place for story telling contest.

I will not forget to put the picture of these biggest fans of Ibit, who sat right on the stage side to watch and support her.

and I want to share one of the performance. it is a duo with Al, the keyboardist of the band, singing "Bunda" (mother)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecilyand Pam

Friday, April 9, 2010

books beside beds

I know this isn't my best shots, or best story. it's just a story with some shots :D

If it is besides Ibit's bed, it's not a special thing. Ibit has been in love with books since she was able to read at grade 1. She can not go to sleep without reading before. She often re-reads her old books when she has no new books to read. She even has finished reading some books I bought, that I haven't even read a page.

But this morning I found books on Ar and Ir's bed. I asked them what were those books doing there. They said they read them before sleeping.

It's a good news.

PhotoStory Friday Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Thursday, April 1, 2010

studying is [not] my hobby

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Life With Kaishon

studying, never was my hobby. all my time being a student. this is 180 degrees opposites my husband, who has always been studying and been a diligent student. well, until he met me in college, that's when I contaminated his habit with mine :P
so I totally understand when some kids don't like studying. now I understand that's just because they don't find studying is interesting.

aku ngga hobi belajar, seumur aku menjadi murid. ini berlawanan 180 derajat dengan suamiku yang selalu rajin belajar selama sekolah. well, tentu saja itu sebelum dia ketemu aku di kuliahan, aku mengkontaminasi kebiasaannya dengan kebiasaanku :P
jadi aku ngerti banget kalau ada anak yang ngga suka belajar. sekarang sih aku ngerti, bahwa itu karena buat mereka belajar itu ngga menarik

it was a little bit hard to pull my twin to sit before desk and concentrate for a while to their books. seemed like they really are my children :D. but this isn't some thing I just can let go on. so I tried to make it interesting for them do math exercises.

beda dengan Ibit, agak susah ngajak Ar Ir duduk dan konsentrasi sebentar ngadep buku pelajaran. bener-bener anakku mereka itu :D. tapi tentu saja ini bukan hal yang boleh aku biarkan terus-terusan. karenanya aku mencoba membuat belajar matematika menarik buat mereka.

I made them their own exercise book.
aku buatkan mereka buku latihan sendiri.

on every page I drew some stuffs for them to color. they are interested to do the coloring instead of doing the real exercises but that's fine.
di setiap halaman aku beri gambar untuk diwarnai. mereka memang lebih tertarik mewarnai gambarnya ketimbang mengerjakan latihan yang sesungguhnya.

they'd do it any way, because if they do all the exercises correctly, they can cut this little part lower on the page.
tapi mereka pasti mentgerjakannya, karena jika betul semua, mereka boleh memotong bagian kecil di ujung kiri bawah setiap halaman latihan.

every page is worth Rp.100 and if they collect at least ten coupon from ten pages, they can buy themselves some treat :D
setiap halaman bernilai Rp. 100 dan bila mereka mengumpulkan kupon dari 10 halaman, mereka bisa beli jajan yang lumayan.

Ibit said I was too stingy. Rp. 100 for ten to twenty numbers each page. but I don't think so. I never had to pay any single rupiah for all numbers of exercises Ibit has done. it's not about how much they've got, but how fun it was to get it.
kata Ibit aku pelit, Rp.100 untuk 10 - 20 nomor per halaman. tapi ga juga. aku malah ga pernah bayar serupiah pun untuk semua latihan yang dikerjakan Ibit. ini bukan soal berapa jumlahnya, tapi pasti senang memperolehnya.

beside, if I put Rp. 1000 in every coupon, I'll soon be broken!
lagian kalau tiap halaman bernilai Rp.1000, aku bisa cepet bangkrut!

note: $1,00 = Rp. 9700,00 (approximately)