Thursday, February 26, 2009

a copy of me

I look at her skinny mini body, and feels like I'm looking at little me
I see her reading books, and feels like I'm looking at me
I see how she doesn't like to eat, and it is just so me
I see her doing sketches on her book, and it's something I still do
I hear her singing all the time, that's just the same as I always do
I read the stories she writes, and she reads mine

I watch her playing the piano...
it was just a dream to me twenty years ago
she's a lot like me in so many ways
but I know she's just not me

tell me darling
do you have a dream that I can help to make come true?


kulihat tubuh mungilnya, dan rasanya aku melihat diriku waktu kecil dulu
kulihat dia membaca buku, dan lagi kurasa melihat aku
kulihat betapa susahnya dia makan, itu seperti aku
kulihat dia menggambar sketsa di bukunya, aku juga masih suka melakukannya
kudengar dia bernyanyi sepanjang waktu, sama saja dengan aku
kubaca cerita yang ditulisnya, dan dia membaca punyaku

kulihat dia bermain piano
itu hanya mimpi buatku ketika aku seumur itu
dia begitu banyak sama denganku
tapi aku tahu dia bukan aku

katakan padaku sayang
adakah mimpimu yang bisa kubantu mewujudkannya?


Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ir's fish was dead
ikan cupang piaraan Ir mati

so to make him stop crying, I told him to put in the box, the crab he and Ar took from some ditch near our house
supaya dia berhenti menangis, aku suruh dia masukin kepiting yang sebelumnya dia dan Ar ambil dari parit deket rumah

Dan thought it was too creepy, so he bought Ar Ir a pair of turtles
tapi kata Dan binatang itu terlalu nggilani, maka dia belikan Ar Ir sepasang kura-kura


I'm joining Wordful Wednesday, see more here:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

we will not go down (gaza tonight)

composed by michael hart

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm crazy about aerobics

yes I am. it's fun.
beneran. it's fun

I was raised in a sports lover family. my mother was an athlete when she was young. she, and my father played tennis. at home, we used to have a table for us to play pingpong. so sad it's gone since we, the children, one by one left to go to college.
aku dibesarkan di keluarga pecinta olahraga. ibuku dulu atlit waktu masih gadis. dia dan bapak juga main tennis. di rumah, dulu kami punya meja pingpong. tapi udah hilang entah ke mana sejak kami, anak-anak bapak, satu persatu pergi untuk kuliah ke lain kota.

yeah that's me ;)
but I didn't wear my headdress so I cut it there...

I workout 6 days in a week.
monday and thursday, I do it after work before home at gym.
saturday morning, I go to other gyms to find more fun.
tuesday, friday and sunday, I do it at home. some neighbors come to join me, or you can say I am the instructor... :D
aku latihan aerobic enam kali seminggu.
senin dan kamis, di sanggar, sepulang kerja.
sabtu pagi aku cari kesenangan di sanggar lain.
selasa, jumat dan minggu, aku senam di rumah. ibu-ibu tetangga ikut senam bareng, boleh dibilang aku jadi instrukturnya... :D

yup, I took an instructor course. but I am an office worker, so I don't have much time to be an instructor in a gym. so I decided to share what I got in my course to mothers in my neighborhood. for free? half free. they pay but not as much as they should if they go to gym. I would say it is a social work, while having fun at the same time.
iya, aku pernah ambil pelatihan instructur aerobic. masalahnya sekarang aku kerja kantoran, jadi ga bisa kalo mau konsen jadi instruktur di sanggar senam. jadi kuputsukan membagi ilmu yang kudapatkan dari kursus kepada ibu-ibu tetangga. gratis? setengah gratis. mereka bayar tapi tidak sebanyak kalo jadi member saggar. itung-itung kerja sosial yang menyenangkan...

some people do workouts to lose weight. I do it for opposite aim: gaining weight. yes I am under weight. but workout doesn't work alone to do something with weight. it is something has to be combined with diet, whether you want to lose or to gain it.
banyak orang ikut senam untuk menurunkan berat badan. aku justru sebaliknya: ingin menambah. iya, aku kurus banget. tapi latihan aerobic itu ga kerja sendirian untuk mengubah berat badan. harus dikombinasikan dengan mengatur pola makan, baik yang mau nambah atau mengurangi berat badan.

I am one who don't like to eat, and that's why I'm so skinny. but working out has given me a little more appetite in food. I've gained 5kgs (10lbs) in the last year. it is something easy for some people but was a hard working for me. tell me to lose gain, that is easy for me to do.
aku orang yang ga suka makan, makanya kurus. tapi rajin senam agak nambah sedikit nafsu makanku. aku sudah berhasil menambah 5kgs dalam setahun terakhir. buat orang lain mungkin gampang, tapi buatku itu penuh perjuangan. suruh aku menurunkan berat badan, itu baru gampang.

my weight has stopped increasing at 42kgs. I still want to gain 5kgs more but I don't know why it seems I got stacked at that number.
berat badanku berhenti naik di 42kgs. aku masih ingin nambah 5kgs lagi, tapi susah banget.

so I just hold on to what my instructor told me. the main aim of doing aerobics (and other sports) is to be healthy. if you then look well-shaped, that is a bonus...
akhirnya aku berpegang saja pada kata-kata instrukturku. tujuan kita melakukan aerobic (dan olahraga lain) adalah untuk sehat. kalo bentuk badan kita jadi bagus, itu bonus...

for this week's sundayscribblings prompt: sport

Thursday, February 12, 2009

shortcuts by Ar

OK, ini memang bukan foto, cuma gambar printscreen PCku
Okay, this is not a photo. it is just a printscreen image of my PC

perhatikan banyaknya shortcut di situ. tapi apa aku berniat menghapus sebagian? engga. sebagian shortcut itu adalah untuk games, dibikin oleh Ar
now take a look and you'll find just too many shortcuts there. but would I delete some? no I wouldn't. most of the shortcuts are games, and made by Ar.

menurutku Ar itu menakjubkan kalu soal komputer. tidak ada yang pernah mengajari dia bikin shortcut. dan semua game yang dia bikin shortcutnya itu, dia sudah tamat, paling tidak hampir. di game turtlebay, aku ga bisa main lebihdari level 3 dari 10 level yang ada. dia sudah khatam.
I always think Ar is amazing about computer. nobody ever taught him how to make shortcuts. and all those games, he has end up to the last level, or almost. in 'turtlebay' I couldn't even go further then 3 of 10, but he has finished.

dia belajar sendiri cara main semua game itu. padahal instruksinya bahasa inggris. sedang Ar belum bisa baca lancar, ga ngerti bahasa inggris pula.
he taught himself how to play them. and all those games instructions are in English. he even still can not read Indonesian well. and doesn't know english.

menurutku sih ini hebat, tapi sepertinya aku perlu lebih waspada kalau nanti dia mulai kenal internet...
I think it is something great, but I need to be more aware when one day he knows about internet...

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Friday, February 6, 2009

haircuts (potong rambut)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I didn't really want to post this, but Melissa posted about her daughters 'happy hair cutting'. and it triggered me..
this is what I did to Ibit's hair, on Ibit's request.
sebenernya aku ga terlalu ingin posting tentang ini. tapi aku membaca Melissa bercerita tentang 'kisah bahagia' potong rambut anaknya. aku jadi tergelitik ikut-ikutan...
ini yang kulakukan terhadap rambutnya Ibit, atas permintaannya sendiri

wow, I loved it, but it did a little inconvenient combing it...
aku suka banget rambut panjangnya, tapi nyisirnya ribet...

I tried to make a shaggy style, but this was the result... not bad... I guess :P
maunya bikin model shaggy, tapi jadinya begini. lumayan kayanya...:P

and this was what I did to I'm not sure was it Ar or Ir (I forgot. it's been quite a while), on his teacher's request.
dan ini hasil karyaku atas rambutnya... Ar apa Ir ya? (lupa. udah agak lama sih...), atas permintaan gurunya

I liked this messy hair with tails. but their teacher didn't. they called me and told me to 'tidy up' the hair cut
aku suka rambut yang agak acak-acakan dan ada buntutnya begini, tapi gurunya ngga suka. aku dipanggil ke sekolah dan diminta merapikan rambut anak-anak...

well, they got it.
ya deh...

so, Olivia dear, I hope you see this, and be happy with your new hair cut. you are still beautiful ;)
jadi, Olivia sayang, mudah-mudahan kamu lihat ini, dan senang dengan potongan rambut barumu. kamu tetep cantik kok... :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I lied about the batik contest...

aku bohong soal kontes batik...

have I told you that I can be unpredictable some times?
pernahkah aku bilang bahwa kadang-kadang aku berbuat tak terduga?

I told you that I am giving away a batik blouse, and a pair of batik sandals. well I lied. because I have more to give. I have this:
di sayembara yang aku bikin beberapa waktu lalu aku bilang aku akan bagi sebuah blus dan sepasang sandal batik. aku bohong. karena aku punya satu lagi:

okay. this means I have three stuffs to give away.
berarti aku punya tiga hadiah

first, I'm giving this:
pertama, aku berikan ini:

unconditionally, to easy, for being so kind putting a banner to the contest on her blog. thank you dear....
tanpa syarat, kepada easy, karena telah begitu baik hati memasang banner di blognya. makasih sayang...

may be I have asked too much for the tag in joining the contest. but thank you very much for saying what you think about this blog by leaving a comment. you have supported me. I finally change the rule. every body commented, counted. here are the contestants:
mungkin permintaanku terlalu sulit untuk mengikuti kontes itu. tapi terima kasih kepada semua yang telah menyampaikan pendapat tentang blog ini walaupun hanya lewat komentar. semua sudah memberi support buat aku. akhirnya aku mengubah peraturannya. semua yang komen berhak ikut undian. inilah pesertanya:

I made a special drawing for three people who have been very kind doing what I asked, correcting my post. they are Heather, Asma Ahsan, and Carrie Keiser. I have more thank yous for you... :D
aku membuat undian khusus untuk mereka yang benar-benar melakukan yang aku minta: mengoreksi tulisanku. mereka adalah Heather, Asma Ahsan dan Carrie Keiser. aku punya terima kasih lebih untuk kalian... :D

and this name came out from the first bowl:
dan nama ini yang keluar dari undian pertama:

you won the surprise blouse I just told in the beginning of this post.
memenangkan blus kejutan yang kuceritakan di awal postingan.

Easy, Heather, Asma, and Carrie, have second chance to win this:
Easy, Heather, Asma, dan Carrie, punya kesempatan tambahan untuk memenangkan ini:

together with other commenters.
bersama komenter yang lain.

and this name came out from the second bowl.
dan nama yang muncul adalah:

this is a little bit funny, because Phery lives in Yogya, and he can find this sandals easily there. but I didn't want to cheat. so Pher, if you think you don't want this, let me know. I have made an additional drawings with a name is still a secret, that will be the one to receive it -- if you consent it.
ini agak lucu. masalahnya, Phery tinggal di Yogya. dia bisa dapetin sandal beginian dengan mudah. tapi aku ga mau curang, jadi tetep nama ini yang aku umumkan. so Pher, kalau kamu ga ingin benda ini, kasih tahu aku. aku sudah menarik satu nama tambahan (masih kurahasiakan) yang insya Allah akan dengan senang hati menerimanya, jika kamu ikhlaskan.

okay, congratulations to all the winners, and thank you very much for joining the contest in any way..
(easy and phery, you know my email address, sent me your addresses so I can send your prizes. heather, I've left comment on your blog. my email address should appear in your notification mail, let me know where I should send your prize to)
oke, selamat buat para pemenang, dan terima kasih sudah bergabung di sayembaraku...
(easy dan phery, kalian sudah tahu alamat emailku, kasih tahu alamat kalian jadi aku bisa kirimkan hadiahnya. heather, aku sudah meninggalkan komen di blogmu, alamat emailku mestinya muncul di email notifikasi komen, jadi kasih tahu aku harus kirim hadiahnya ke mana)