Saturday, July 27, 2013

ramadhan this year

this year Ar and Ir do full fasting from dawn to dusk. this is day 17 and they haven't left even one. neither does Ibit. I'm glad that they don't complain about being thirsty or hungry or hot weather. well they did on first day. but even adults some times do on first days.

last week we had a plan to kill time and make the sun set sooner. we made cookies for lebaran. and after that prepared some fruits to break our fast. it did well and fun. 

I said the cookies are for lebaran. but kids say lebaran is still two weeks away and the cookies might not be fresh by the time. well okay... so we decided to just enjoy them as soon as they were ready...

the twin cards

I have just finished 15 sets of twin cards (that means 30) of animals for Dek Aik. to put twin cards in sets has been his favorite session in the speech therapy. it helps him to improve his ability to identify things.

I still have a set of fruits pictures to do. and hope I will find more sets of vehicles, professions and things around us. they're difficult to find. I might just find some pictures from internet and print them.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Idul Fitri is coming soon. Means we have to meet families and more people in silaturahim. Means I have gotta be ready for questions that might come about Dek Ai's speech delay.


So far, we assumed Dek Ai' is in the level of pointing things to communicate. He goes to the kitchen and points his bottle when he wants milk. Things like that. Like, he has to see things we're talking about to understand.

Last night we were going to bed. I was bothering him with some words.

"let's take a bath..."
"let's sleep..."
"let's go out and ride car"

He didn't say a word. He just woke up and held my hand to follow him.

"where's the key? get the car key..."

He ran to the table and seek the key, and got it.

"call Bapak, Bapak will drive us"

And he got back to the room and called. "mppaaak...! mpaaak...!"

And I was sure that he understands words better than people think he does.


My next goal is for him to say 'susu' (milk) if he wants some. So he doesn't need to drag me to the kitchen and point the bottle.

"wuh wuh!"

